25 agosto 2011

Los Grandes Éxitos.

y ahora un tributo a la mejor banda que ha visto la nueva década.
acuérdense de mi cuando los vean cerrando la transmisión del Grammy en el 2017.

(obvio es Mike Cera, swag)


24 agosto 2011

¤ tied up to the tide ¤

Sondre Lerche ¿dónde estabas?

22 agosto 2011

Craig a Maxine.

Craig: I've fallen in love,
and this is what people who've fallen in love look like.
Maxine: Well, you picked the unrequited variety.

Being John Malkovich, 1999.

21 agosto 2011

sure thing.

Xiu Xiu covereando a Rihanna


"I hate my 20s, if I'm being honest. Being teenage is a breeze, and by your 30s (I anticipate; I fucking hope) you've had a chance to work things out a little, but in your 20s you're stuck between "it's time to grow up, be an adult" and "but you're still so young, you shouldn't settle, live your life"."
dice Gareth Campesinos de, obvio, Los Campesinos.

20 agosto 2011

your images have been added.

la cuarta foto. OMG.

¿la vida?

"No me gusta la vida. Lo poco que me atrae de ella
son aquellas cosas que me ayudan a prescindir de la realidad,
por ejemplo..."
Balas en los ojos, 2011.

16 agosto 2011

most people.

"It reminded me of the feeling of opening my eyes in the backseat of my mother's car after visiting my grandparents as a small child, never sure of when I fell asleep but never scared, either. I didn't care that some people made fun of the band for sounding naïve because I thought most people were nasty and out of touch with what made life beautiful. I still think that sometimes, but I try not to."
-Mike Powell sobre Sung Tongs en Pitchfork at Fifteen.

14 agosto 2011

Au Au Au!

Thora Birch
fuck my domingo.
equis, no se
no se
Trusto Corp.
no se

10 agosto 2011

07 agosto 2011

i heard an unhappy ending.

Oliver Tate: i'm full of regret...
...this is the moment where you leave him and come with me.
Jordana Bevan: is it?
Oliver Tate: yeah, are you coming?
Jordana Bevan: no.
Submarine, 2010.

04 agosto 2011

02 agosto 2011

Miranda Cosgrove tiene pecas.

mientras todos hablan de 3ball y el vato de Deftones (que oso, neta),
yo digo que este es el mejor video del año o por lo menos de la semana.

Best Coast + Drew Barrymore + iCarly + The Warriors = FuckMyLife