28 octubre 2010

bring them face to face with a poverty of everyday life.

este texto lo robé de un artículo de Adbusters es simplemente deprimente, perfecto:

"But the thought that one is wasting one’s life is not a cheerful one, and respectable citizens everywhere have gone to considerable lengths to avoid it. They have erected elaborate architectures of lies and self-deceptions in an attempt to persuade themselves and others that their work is not petty nonsense directed by contemptible bosses to idiotic ends, that their families are not desolate bunkers of mutual contempt and shared incarceration, that their leisure and friendships are not collections of inconsequential games and insubstantial interests, that their holidays are not banal tramps through despoliation, that the ways in which they think they avoid the common vulgarity are not entirely spurious, that their pleasures are not dreadfully small."

Consumable Youth Rebellion de Wayne Spencer lo pueden leer completo acá. habla de contracultura y esas cosas, ya saben, muy Adbusters.

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